13 years ago, I started my hair journey at Empire beauty school in downtown Boston. I had a
rough go of trying to figure out where I belonged in the world and the moment I entered orientation I knew I found my people.
I was worried I’d be horrible at my job, that I wouldn’t relate to anyone, that people would judge me for dropping out of college for what seems like a “less lucrative” career. There’s so much fear in starting over, no matter what age you are. (I was 21, and I still thought I was showing up late to life )
They ask you when you start beauty school what makes you want to be a cosmetologist and my answer has been and will always be the same.
“When you look good, you feel good, you do good”
I hoped to be a small part of making someone’s day better. I knew I was a little awkward but I felt that if maybe I could get really good at hair maybe the conversation wouldn’t be as important.
Eventually the talking part got easy, maybe too easy. I’m sure there were times you all wanted me to shut up
All I knew was I wanted to be that person that made you feel your best whether it’s covering your roots before that big job interview so you feel your absolute best, making sure your daughter’s updo is perfect for prom, or even curling your hair when you couldn’t bare the thought of doing it yourself after losing a loved one.
This career brings so much light to my life. You all introduced me to things like new restaurants, a recipe to try at thanksgiving, my dog groomer, a new show to watch on Netflix, the list goes on and on.
But these are just small things in comparison to the best friends I’ve made like Dana Foley and Stephanie McLeod who I honestly can’t even imagine my life without now. They are not only my people to ask for hair advice, but complete my heart in ways I can’t even describe.
I can’t mention all this without mentioning that hair gave me Ged Turner. The love of my life. He is the kindest, sweetest soul you’ll ever meet. Without hair I wouldn’t have had the opportunity to go to Portugal to work a wedding. Part of me hopes the universe would’ve planted us in each other’s path in some way or another but the hallmark story we currently have is just fine with me.
There’s a long list of people to thank, but I want to personally thank my girls from Supercuts who put up with me in my first few years when I truly knew nothing and probably pretended like I knew everything. You guys were too good to me.
Thank you to Zona and all my coworkers, you gave me a new sense of professionalism that made me realize I should never settle for less and made me realize that hair is in fact not a “less lucrative career”.
Thank you to Kenzi Stracqualursi for trusting me in being your suitemate when we decided to jump ship from the employment world and thrive into entrepreneurship.
Thank you to Sarah Broyer for rescuing me and Steph and being kind every step of the way right up until the end where you introduced me to Marie.
Thank you to Marie at Personal Best/Utopia Place. You’ve been amazingly patient to work with given my circumstances. Not many people would’ve been as kind taking someone on who shows up to an interview saying “so I’m moving to another country at some point, but I don’t know when”
Thank you to my family. Your support has always been so important to me. I always wanted to prove to you all that I was gonna be ok. That I was gonna make it and be successful. I wanted to be that cousin or niece or daughter of someone who said “omg you need to see my girl julie!” And you did that. You were my best cheer leaders and I’ll never forget that. (I’m looking at you Jen Whalen who had me servicing half of the NICU department from Brigham at one point
Lastly, thank you to my clients. Thank you for putting up with my coldness to avoid tears these past few months. Thank you for being more than clients. Thank you for being my shoulder to lean on when I should’ve been yours. Thank you thank you thank you.
13 years later and I can’t believe what I’m showing for it. You’ve all made it so worth it.